收聽 Atoms For Peace 最新細碟 "Judge Jury And Executioner"

收聽 Atoms For Peace 最新細碟 "Judge Jury And Executioner"

Ingar Chan 大約 12 年前

Thom Yorke 剛公佈他的樂隊 Atoms For Peace 的下張細碟為 "Judge Jury And Executioner",背面作品為 "S.A.D."。他於 RadioheadDead Air Space 寫道:
Hello all.

So in the midst of yet more weird weather and the beginning of another year it feels right to put out a song called ..... Judge Jury and Executioner from Amok. It's up on youtube here> - I hope you like it.

The flip side of the release is a tune called S.A.D.

Amok is out 25th of Feb.


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